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Date marking

The European Commission estimates that up to 8.8 million tonnes of foodwaste generated in the EU every year is linked to the date marking on food products. Knowing the difference between these labels can help you prevent food waste.

🧀 ‘Use by’ is for #foodsafety. You shouldn’t eat food past this date, as doing so might make you ill.

🍫 ‘Best before’ is for food quality. Your food is at its freshest, crunchiest, and yummiest if you eat it prior to the best before date.



GMO Food

What is GMO food

GMO: Genetic modified organisms

Definition Organism whose genome has been engineered in the laboratory in order to favour the expression of desired physiological traits or the generation of desired biological products

GMO effect on foodwaste

GMO has a possitive effect on foodwaste

  • GMO food is altered to be less vulnerable to insect and other pests. Therefor foodcrops with GMO result in less foodwaste. Especially if it is compared organic food (no pesticides). Because GMO food is less vulnerable to insect etc they need less to no pesticides which leads to less environmental damage
  • GMO food is made to be planted in unfavoranle climatic conditions en survive more extreme wheater. Which leads to less foodwaste. They are beneficial to resisting drought and poor soil.